The five craziest human to animal transformation films

Bored of werewolves and Brundleflies? Creature feature horror has headed down some weird back alleys - here are five of the most bizarre.

Cat People (1942 & 1982)

In a sentence: The Wolf Man for cat lovers.

What goes down: Irena is cursed to turn into a bloodthirsty panther every time she has sex. The original was a Wolf Man ripoff which ended up being a hugely influential early horror movie. The 80s remake is a surprisingly well-made erotic thriller with crazy incest vibes.

Did you know? The original coined the 'Lewton bus' effect - where mounting tension is released via a false jump scare. In this instance, when we're expecting Irena to attack at any moment, the hissing sound we mistake for a panther is actually just a bus pulling away.

Black Sheep (2006)

In a sentence: Ninety minutes of sheep fucking jokes.

What goes down: In this enjoyably bloody New Zealand horror comedy, a mutant sheep gives the flock a taste for human flesh, while transforming anyone bitten by it into a lumbering, six foot sheep monster.

Did you know: Some critics saw this movie as a Shaun of the Dead meets 28 Days Later zombie flick. Seems a bit of a stretch, but you can make up your own mind.

Zombeavers (2014)

In a sentence: Beaver-pun-loving teens get more than they bargained for when they head to a cabin in the woods following a toxic waste spillage.

What goes down: Six horny college students face hordes of unconvincing beaver puppets. The worst part is that beaverdom is infectious - get bitten or scratched by one of these bad boys and you'll sprout massive teeth and an ironing-board-sized tail. Yep, seriously. This unashamedly trashy flick is a lot better than its Sharknado-esque title would have you believe.

Did you know: If you stick around for the credits, you can treat your eardrums to a Frank Sinatra-esque theme song written by screenwriters Jon and Al Kaplan and sung by Nick Amado which recaps the plot in glorious swing style. After that there's a post-credits scene teasing... zombees.

Tusk (2014)

In a sentence: The Human Centipede, but directed by Kevin Smith and with added Johnny Depp

What goes down: Shitty podcaster Wallace is lured to a mysterious mansion where a psycho ex-sailor plans to turn him into a walrus. The mad premise means you can almost overlook the misfiring execution.

Did you know? The film hits an absolute low with the appearance of Johnny Depp as eccentric investigator Guy LaPointe in the third act. The role almost went to Quentin Tarantino.

Blue My Mind (2017)

In a sentence: The Little Mermaid but in reverse with a whole lot of teen angst.

What goes down: Mia freaks out when she develops webbed feet and an insatiable hunger for raw fish. Look past the terrible pun in the title, as the movie is surprisingly hardhitting and captures teenagers' shame about their bodies with cringe-inducing accuracy.

Did you know: This was the feature debut of Swiss director Lisa Brühlmann, who's also helmed episodes of Killing Eve and Castle Rock. Blue My Mind cleaned up at the 2018 Swiss Film Awards, winning best film, best actress for lead Luna Wedler, and best screenplay.

Honourable mentions

Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005). Surely one of the most purely entertaining were-something movies.

Spring (2014). Perplexing yet strangely satisfying rom-com in which boy meets immortal girl who sometimes becomes a squid creature.

The VelociPastor (2018). Yep, this one's about a priest who turns into a fucking dinosaur. It sounds amazing, but one look at the trailer might be enough to put you off.

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