Why Netflix's batshit horror The Perfection doesn't make sense

Get Out 's Allison Williams and Dear White People 's Logan Browning star in Netflix's B movie Black Swan about rival cellists. Yet somehow it doesn't quite work. The main problem is a common one for ambitious horror flicks – it tackles dark, very serious themes in a superficial way. Cast your minds back to 2008's Teeth , another film with an interesting subtext that was tonally all over the place. Most people agree Teeth is a black comedy, a body horror twist on a coming of age drama. Yet the plot sees the heroine Dawn repeatedly raped by pretty much every man she meets. 2008's Teeth sees heroine Dawn repeatedly raped... yet it's still a black comedy? True, these men do get their comuppence. Dawn fortunately has a toothed vagina, so it's soon raining severed dicks. But there's something horribly grim about watching repeated scenes of sexual abuse not taken very seriously. The Perfection needs to treat its characters with mor...