5 reasons why the Haunting of Hill House sequel is a terrible idea

It's just been announed that The Haunting of Hill House is getting a second series that's loosely based on Henry James's short story The Turn of the Screw. Here's why that's a terrible idea. Hill House creator Mike Flanagan has revealed that The Haunting is set to become an anthology series – with its second outing focus on a different gothic pile with unwelcome supernatural visitors. While the decision to move away from the Crain family was a wise one, The Turn of the Screw is a regrettable choice of source material. Here's why. 1) The Turn of the Screw is not very good Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House is a lyrical, poetically suggestive novel painting a delicate portrait of loneliness and mental fragility. Flanagan carefully crafted the book's strange and touching imagery into the series – from Nelly's cup of stars to Ruth's raining pebbles. While Jackson's novel was popular but not ubiquitous, ever...