Why classroom scenes are a horror movie staple

Since the protagonists of your average horror movie are teenagers, it's not such a surprise that one of the genre's set pieces has become the classroom scene. From Halloween to Hereditary , we unpick four of the most memorable. Horror filmmakers often use classroom scenes to unpack the themes of their movies, allowing viewers to make metaphorical links between the film's villain and more abstract concepts like destiny and existential dread. Teenagers in horror films can find themselves drifting off as their teacher waxes lyrical about Hamlet one minute, only to be rudely awakened by masked serial killers and demonic old ladies the next. If you thought you had painful memories of your schooldays, check out what these guys had to go through. Halloween (1978) - Laurie has a date with destiny What's going down? Studious Laurie (Jamie Lee Curtis) is distracted from her English class by Michael Myers watching her at the window with murder on his mind. ...