Top 10 Friday the 13th death faces

Death faces, much like come faces, can be... well, a little bit embarassing. Especially if you happen to be a z list actor in a horror franchise. The Friday the 13th movies boast heady atmospherics, great camerawork and brutally inventive methods of offing numerous interchangable horny teenagers. What they do not boast is great acting. The emotions characters' experience as they succumb to either Jason or his dear old mum (or the copycat killer in Part 5 we'd much rather forget) range from resignation, overdone shock and clear apathy. Here are our favourite last hurrahs : 10) Tina (Deborah Voorhees) Film: A New Beginning Cause of death: Garden shears through the eyes. Yikes! What's going down: Yes, her name really is Voorhees. Tina is enjoying some al fresco rumpy pumpy while simultaneously treating the viewer to some full frontal nudity (this is the movie where all the sex starts to feel a bit icky). Naturally, the Jason copycat is in the vicinity with...